Bo means "come," as in the verse, Come to Pharaoh." But why is the Parsha in which the Jews crush Egypt and leave it known as, "Come to Pharaoh," a statement which expresses the might of Pharaoh and Egypt?
This teaches us a lesson: 
Some people think that to solve the problems in their religious and spiritual life, they just need to do more good, and more good and more good...
The truth is however, that in addition to doing more good, a person also has to eradicate the bad. And not just bad in general, but bad must be crushed at its root, so that it does not "grow back."
Therefore, God·told Moshe to "Come to Pharaoh" in his palace, where he resides in all his glory. Moshe was told to seek out the evil of Egypt at its root, and then·to crush it and humiliate it to the extreme. And only then would the Exodus occur.
In our daily life, this means that a person should try to identify the primary "desire" which burns in his heart - the root of' his personal evil - and launch an attack on that desire with full force. When he succeeds in this mission, he will then find that his other personal struggles follow effortlessly in its wake.