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Sunday, October 6, 2024 - 4 Tishrei 5785
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"Moshiach" a single individual?


ust the Moshiach be a single individual, or can we all collectively be "the Moshiach"?


The soul of Moshiach belongs to an individual, yet is a collective soul that comprises the souls of the entire Jewish people.

The descriptions of Moshiach in classical Jewish sources make it quite clear that Moshiach will be a single human being, a leader and king, who will guide an entire generation of people towards their ultimate perfection. As Maimonides writes in his classic work of Jewish law: "The King Moshiach will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will rebuild the Beit Hamikdash and gather in the dispersed remnant of Israel. Then, in his days, all the statutes will be reinstituted as in former times." (Laws of Kings, 11:1)

However, the soul of Moshiach is a collective soul that comprises the souls of the entire Jewish people. This is what enables him to redeem all of Israel from exile. Also, within every Jew there is a spark of the soul of Moshiach. This spark of Moshiach gives all of us the power to do the work of Moshiach in the world.

When the Ark is opened before reading the Torah on a holiday, we say the following prayer: "May there be realized in us the verse that states, 'And the spirit of G-d shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and fear of G-d.'"

This verse in Isaiah describes King Moshiach. If so, how can we all possibly request that within every one of us there should be realized a verse that describes Moshiach?

This verse is appropriate for every Jew because each of us has a spark of Moshiach in our soul, regardless of our spiritual standing. This spark was given to us by G-d, and through revealing it, we can actualize the Redemption in the world.



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