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Moshiach in the Parsha
Source: Kli Yakar
A time came when the beams, poles, and silver sockets of the Mishkan were no longer needed. This happened when King Shlomo built the Bais Hamikdosh in Yerushalayim, about five hundred years after the Mishkan in the desert was set up.
What did Shlomo do then with the parts of the Mishkan? No part of the Mishkan was ever thrown away. All the beams and the other parts were holy because they had been made and donated by Tzaddikim. Our Sages explain that in the days of Moshiach, the original parts of the Mishkan will be returned, and Hashem will again let his Shechinah rest on them.

Sources: Vayikra Rabbah 2:2, Pirush Ha'Marzu
Our sages said that wherever it says "for me", it means that it last forever. Hashem said "LEE" regarding Malchus Bais Dovid, the Bais Hamikdosh, the altar, the anointing oil (Shemen Hamishcha), and Terumah. When Moshiach comes, we will give Terumah in order to build the Bais Hamikdosh.
Source: Yalkut Reuveini p.139
In the Mishkan and the Bais Hamikdosh, the Shechina was revealed around the Aron, the Kapores, and the K'ruvim. But in the future, it will spread out to 800 times the tchum Shabbos - more than 500 miles. This will happen in the days of Moshiach, in the 3rd Bais Hamikdash, as it says: "Broaden the place of your tent and spread Yerushalayim to all sides" - fill the whole world with Hashem's glory."
Sources: Tanchuma Chapter 7 Shmos 25:3 - 6)
"And this is the Terumah which you should take from them: gold, silver, and brass". These three materials represent the 3 nations of Bavel, Modai and Yavan, which enslaved the B'nei Yisroel.
However, iron, which represents the nation of Edom, was not mentioned. Why? To teach us that when Moshiach comes and all the nations will want to bring him gifts, Hashem will tell Moshiach not to accept from Edom, since they destroyed the Bais Hamikdosh.
Sources: Shmos 25:3 - 6, Tzenah Ur'enah 158
"And this is the Terumah... gold and silver and copper... and ramskins dyed red... and oil for the light..."
Gold, silver, copper and ramskins dyed red refer to the four nations who were to enslave the B'nei Yisroel. In the same place Hashem, reassures us that the slavery in golus will lead to "the oil for the light". This refers to Moshiach, as it says (Psalms 132:17), "I have prepared a light for Moshiach.
Sources: Tzenah Ur'enah 158, Baba Basra 10a
This parsha tells of the Terumah that B'nei Yisroel gave to build the Bais Hamikdosh. The Bais Hamikdosh protected B'nai Yisroel from golus.
Now, when there is no Bais Hamikdosh, charity is just like the Bais Hamikdosh and saves us from golus.
By giving Tzedaka, we bring closer the revelation of Moshiach, as our sages said, "Tzedakah Mikareves es Ha-geulah". "Tzedakah brings the redemption closer.
Source: The little Medrash Says
The Mishkan can be compared to three different aspects of Hashem:
1) A shepherd - because in the Midbar, Hashem was like a shepherd traveling and camping with the Jews in their tent - the Mishkan.
2) A keeper of a vineyard - The first and second Bais Hamikdosh were built by man. Therefore, it can be compared to a hut in a vineyard.
3) A father - In the times of Moshiach, the third Bais Hamikdosh will last forever. Hashem will live with us and be like our father.

* * * 

"They shall make Me a sanctuary and I shall dwell among them."

(Terumah 25:8) 

This is the mitzvah of building a sanctuary for the Divine Presence, at first the Tabernacle in the desert and later the Bet Hamikdash (Holy Temple) in Jerusalem.

The expression in this verse seems inconsistent:

It ordains the making of a sanctuary as a dwelling for the Divine Presence, but then states "I shall dwell among them" instead of "in it!"

Our sages thus explain that the Torah speaks not only of a general, central sanctuary for the nation, but also of an individual sanctuary to be "built" and established by every individual Jew.

That is, each one must transform himself and his quarters into a sanctuary for G-d: a place of Torah, Prayer and Charity, with effort that all one's thoughts, speech and deeds be for the sake of Heaven, and to infuse with holiness all that we relate to.

This individual and private sanctuary must manifest itself as such even on the physical level, by acquiring sacred items like the holy books of a Chumash and a Siddur, and a Charity-Box, and to place these into that private sanctuary.

These three items in particular are the very pillars which were the foundation of the Bet Hamikdash:

TORAH: The Bet Hamikdash housed the Holy Ark which had the two tablets on which were engraved the Ten Commandments. Indeed, the Holy Temple stood on Mount Moriah, the name of which indicates that "Hora'ah - instruction about Torah - laws emanated from there to all of Israel" by means of the Sanhedrin (Supreme Court) which was located there.

TEFILAH (Prayer): All sacrifices were offered in the Bet Hamikdash, and our prayers are the substitute for the sacrifices. In fact, of the Bet Hamikdash it is said, "For My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations," and "This is the Gate of Heaven."

TZEDAKAH (Charity): The flow of kindness to and for the world emanated by virtue of the holy "Table" in the Bet Hamikdash (Terumah 25:23ff.) Moreover, in the Bet Hamikdash there was a special room called the "Chamber of Secret Gifts" into which people put anonymous gifts which were used for the anonymous support of the poor.

When a Jew builds his individual sanctuary in this mode, G-d promises that "I shall dwell among and within them," just as in the central sanctuary in Jerusalem.

Moreover, intensive study of Torah, fervent Tefilah (especially for the Messianic redemption), and acts of Tzedakah, will bring about, speedily in our days, the third and permanent Bet Hamikdash to be established by Moshiach.



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